In line with our philosophy that Health is an outfit that looks different on every body, it is important that access to opportunities is afforded to every body. As the diagram demonstrates, its not just a straight up journey but one that allows scaffolding and pauses along the way to build depth and strength at every opportunity.
A perfect example of RAMP working in our local community is the new Division C Open Mens Division with Coffs Harbour Boardriders Club. 4 young men join their peers once a month to do what they love best, within an inclusive peer driven environment. Yes; it is required that some participants have additional support but once the wave takes hold of the board, it is all the skill of the rider notching up points before a panel of their peer judges.
So what does R.A.M.P really mean…..
While recognising that many physical activities and sports have an element of inaccessibility for many with disabilities, a critical feature is to understand the type and nature of the barrier that many prevent individuals from engaging in physical activities.
Using the acronym of RAMP – Restoring Activity Mobility and Participation, Rimmer and Schiller developed a model which systematically addresses barriers in the built environment experienced by people with disabilities. The idea of ramping up to successive levels offers a logical progression through the domains or rather four components – Access, Participation, Adherence and Function (Health). Each building on the previous, they reflect the interconnectedness between the components (levels) in achieving optimal health and well-being. Access is necessary for participation, and regular participation and adherence are necessary to obtain benefits in health and function.